Abstract Deadline: September 30

General Abstract Preparation

Please type the title of paper in bold LETTERS. (Use 10 pt. Arial font)

Use first names, middle initials, last names and degrees of all authors, listing the principle author first.

If any author is not a member of the SGSU, place an asterisk (*) after his/her name.

List city and state or origin, but not the institution.

After listing city and state or origin: "Presentation to be made by Dr.__________________."

Page setup in your Word document: Page setup: width 5.5", height 8.5". Use 0.5" inch margins for top/bottom and right/left. Use 10 pt Arial font (or smaller if needed), center title portion and justify body text. Type single space on one page of text and double space between paragraphs.

The abstract should be informative and detailed. It must contain:
- statement of the study's objectives;
- statement of methods, if pertinent;
- summary of the results obtained;
- statement of the conclusions.
It is NOT acceptable merely to state that "the results will be discussed."
REQUIREMENT: If there is a funding source, this must be listed at the bottom of your one-page abstract.


Sample Abstract

Page setup: width 5.5", height 8.5". Use 0.5" inch margins for top/bottom and right/left.
Use 10 pt Arial font (or smaller if needed), center title portion and justify body
Type single space on one page of text and double space between paragraphs.

wsaua abstract samplev2