SGSU Officers and Board of Directors 2024-2025 |
President Bradley Schwartz, MD Southern Illinois University School of Medicine |
Treasurer Timothy Brand, MD Pensacola, FL |
Secretary Robert Dean, MD George Washington Univ. Washington, DC |
Parliamentarian/Historian Thomas Rozanski, MD UT Health San Antonio, TX |
USAV Representative Mark Sawyer, MD Univ. of Colorado |
Member-at-Large Steve Hudak, MD Dallas, TX |
Retired Representatives Harold Frazier II, MD and Joseph Y. Clark, MD Washington DC / Hershey, PA |
Executive Director Christopher F. DeSantis, MBA Assoc. Dir. Jeannie DeSantis, MBA DeSantis Management Group |
SGSU Program Directors, Representatives & Advisors |
Kimbrough Course Directors - 2024-25 Robert L. Grubb, MD, III (USAV) Jonathan Berger, MC, USN Alexander Doudt, MC, USN |
Kimbrough Course Directors - 2025-26
Matthew C. Kasprenski, LTC USARMY |
Past Kimbrough Course Directors - 2023-24 Col. Timothy Baumgartner, MC, USAF Col Necia Pope, MC, USAF Col. Christopher Allam, MC, USAF |
Army Urology Liaison Ryan Speir, MD Madigan Army Medical Center Tacoma, WA |
Army Member-At-Large Matthew Kasprenski, MD Tripler Army Medical Center Honolulu, HI |
Navy Urology Liaison Greg Chesnut, MD WRNMMC, Bethesda, MD |
Navy Member-At-Large, Active Duty Jonathan Berger, MD Naval Medical Center, San Diego, CA |
Air Force Urology Liaison Christopher L. Allam, DO Brooke Army Medical Center Fort Sam Houston, TX |
Air Force Member-At-Large, Active Duty Amy Reed, MD WPAFB, OH |
VA Member-At-Large
Stacey Koff, MD |
Military Resident Representatives Hannah Johnson, MD Naval Medical Center San Diego |
Reserve Component Representative Robert E. Steckler, MD |
SGSU Rep to AUA Young Urologist Committee Jonathan Berger, MD Naval Medical Center San Diego |