Urological Society for American Veterans – President’s Report 2017

by Jeff Jones, President
Urological Society for American Veterans – an affiliate of the SGSU

Thanks to all who attended, and contributed to, the May 2017 meeting of the USAV in Boston, during the AUA. We had an excellent scientific program put together by the program and abstract committee of Robert Grubb, Justin Parker, Jennifer Taylor, Chris Filson and chaired by Dan Makarov. The meeting was well supported by industry partners, and included review talks on genetic analysis tools for prostate cancer and new technology for bladder cancer diagnosis, in addition to the institutional VA-derived abstracts.

In the business meeting the executive committee announced our formal affiliation with the SGSU, and our acceptance as a recognized professional society by the AUA. Deb Moore, as our secretary, is working on the approved changes to our bylaws submitted by Rob Moore, and Muta Issa, our VP, and Krish Gaitonde, our treasurer has already put the organization well into the black in our first year- great job all!  We have already been contacted by the AUA outreach regarding the upcoming AUA Congressional Advocacy day on capitol hill in March 2018, and the USAV will be contributing. Thus, we have made great strides to establish ourselves as the “go to” organization for veteran health in urology.

We are already planning our meeting in San Francisco in May 2018, and we hope our agenda will be published in the AUA program book for the first time this year.

In additional to our open member’s forum and national email roster, we are building a member-only page to place VA-specific items like SOP’s, personnel and equipment justifications, etc. to assist urology at each geographic location get the support they need to execute the VA urology mission, without having to locally “reinvent the wheel” every time.

We hope all of you will be encouraged to join both the USAV and SGSU, so we can grow our organizational infrastructure, capability, and influence. The dues are really very modest, so please sign-in and join- the organization is here to serve you, its membership.

Thank you!