2016 Meeting Report of the Secretary/Treasurer – Dr. Joseph Y. Clark

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Members and Colleagues,

I would like to thank the members of the Society for attending our 63rd Annual James C. Kimbrough Urological Seminar, held at the Westin Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas from January 13-17. Drs. Timothy Phillips and Steven Hudak as program directors planned an outstanding, educational meeting in the heart of the Riverwalk. I would like to recognize and commend them and their local administrative support for their efforts in organizing the meeting, along with the assistance of the DeSantis Management Group.


The meeting kicked off with the President’s Reception on Wednesday night, a time to meet old friends and make new ones, share ideas, and to network. On Thursday morning after opening remarks by SGSU President Dr. Thomas Rozanski and AUA Immediate Past President Dr. William Bohnert, the scientific program started with the Residents Competition and the evening ended with the GU Bowl.


The remaining sessions on Friday and Saturday included many prominent faculty, mostly from the local area to include the San Antonio Military Medical Center, and gave residents and staff the opportunity to present their research, either during the podium or moderated poster sessions. Saturday night ended with the Kathy and Preston Littrell Awards dinner with a fascinating presentation by keynote speaker Dr. Clifford Buckley on his experiences with the Air Force ParaRescue during the Vietnam conflict.


Sunday morning offered chief residents and recent graduates the chance to participate in mock oral boards to prepare them for the certifying examination of the American Board of Urology. This is offered at no cost for members – a great educational benefit.


Overall, the annual SGSU meetings give members an opportunity to meet friends, update medical knowledge, share ideas, and support the military training programs that help educate the future urologists of America. For the quality of the program and number of CMEs offered (24.5 CMEs were offered at this meeting), the annual James C. Kimbrough Urological Seminar remains an extremely valuable and economical way for military and former military urologist to stay abreast on the advances made in the specialty of urology. I ask each member to encourage past members and solicit potential new members to attend this great annual educational meeting.


Please plan to attend next year for the 64th James C. Kimbrough Urological Seminar in San Diego at the Sheraton Harbor Island Hotel from January 11-15, 2017. If you are attending the AUA Annual Meeting in May (also in San Diego), please be sure to make time to attend the SGSU Member Reception which will be held on Monday, May 9th from 1700-1900, and have potential new members stop by the SGSU booth (#4408).


Finally, if any of the members have an interest in serving on the Board of Directors of the Society, please let us know. We do ask that if you are considering serving on the board that you plan on attending the annual meetings.


Joseph Y. Clark, MD